Is this movie good ?, short answer, no, but isn't boring either !. It was quite fun. But the ending is underwhelming.
Long answer. The acting is..... acceptable, music choice is bad, classical Arab music right after an serious/action scene ?, that trope is fun sometimes but was executed horribly in this movie.
The cinematography is actually a redeeming factor in my eyes as it was pretty good. The characters start off as unlikeable, begin to feel more human and loveable, then quickly plummet into being unlikeable again
The plot is fun, but it was inspired heavily by duel so that doesn't count,
All the characters are one dimensional. The brother is a workaholic daddy's boy, who abandons his dreams for his dad. And the sister is a whiny little girl who somehow is so morally superior that she thinks murdering a poison animal for safety reasons is wrong, but accusing her family's migrant worker who didn't do anything of attempted murder.
The story isn't satisfying, it leaves you off with a sense of incompleteness
The aftermath of our character's actions are never addressed, making you loss your sense of immersion
One of the only redeeming qualities of the film is that it's never boring, surprisingly considering 95% of the movie takes place inside a car,
You can definitely enjoy the movie though, I know I did, even if it's bad what matters is the movie is fun.