When society is shaken in its foundations, and its people is lost in extreme life treating situations like (job lose, starvation, economy crisis, where corrupted police and government are the mafia, etc), the one way for dealing with problems is escaping reality.
Youth in Serbia confronted with that situations and reality, with no hope for escape or better times, try to lose themselves in every day usage of opiates like alcohol and drugs. With stimulants no other than false idols, and culture of pap, they trap themselves in meaningless relationships of lust and sex.
Parents and elders, often just happy to have healthy children, that made it through the day, are blind to sings of moral degradation and delinquency.
And finally, in society like that (Serbia from '90 to today 2013), where culture is failing to enrich and refine someones existence, the only purpose of art and artists are to shock and stun to awake and show the obvious. So watch this movie and see the realistic display of dying nation. (mark for realistic movie 10, but 6 for production and cast- final 8)