This short centers around Terry Finch, an unsuccessful writer of pulp-fiction crime novels who struggles to find publishing for them. Given the lack of success he finds throughout the short and the trouble he gets himself into in the process, it seems clear that he should give up. Via flashback though, it's implied his brother was killed by a group of carjackers, thus making the main character in his novels a stand-in for his brother and the act of publishing them a tribute to him. As a result, I felt sympathy for Terry and hoped for him to find success. Terry copes with the setbacks he experiences throughout the short by imagining himself as the character in his novels who "kills" the people who give him trouble throughout the short. As others have noted, these scenes are technically impressive for how they accurately recreate the look and feel of a 70's grindhouse film. They're also quite humorous given how Terry often shoots people in their balls in them. With that being said though, while this short offers a handful of interesting concepts, I don't think it wrapped itself up well. Since the short wasn't about Terry facing death, the implication that his life might be in danger at the end didn't work for me and seemed to come out of nowhere. Maybe if the short fleshed out the "fantasy and reality becoming intertwined" theme more, the ending would've appropriately chilled me. Still though, I found a lot to like about this short and I'm glad I watched it.