Rather enjoyed this series, and it's refreshing to have an animated crime story from the UK as the commonly spoon fed American crime TV gets tiresome and repetitively boring.
I don't care much for character development with animated series as they're not meant to be taken seriously however, a little back story would go nicely with making this series a solid entry, however, not including one does offer some mystery to the characters.
Love the black and white theme and the animation presents a nice clean style and intellectual use of basic lines rather than the stuffiness and over detailed scribble of some animated series, and as for the voice acting, don't expect any Oscar winning performances here but it's a sigh of relief not having to listen to cringe over acted monologue.
Overall, a satisfying watch for me, not for all tastes though but if you're stuck in the world of needing explanations for everything then this series is not for you, but if you don't care for such things and just want to watch something different then give this series a try.