In the tumultuous backdrop of 1965 Bombay, "Bambai Meri Jaan" unravels a gripping narrative of Ismail Kadri, a principled police officer and devoted family man. Tasked with exposing the dark alliance between underworld kingpins Haji and Pathan, Ismail's unwavering integrity faces relentless challenges. Simultaneously, he grapples with domestic turmoil, particularly disciplining his son, Dara. An unexpected crisis ensues when Ismail's brother-in-law accidentally kills a fellow officer, leading to Ismail's expulsion from the police force.
Struggling to provide for his family post-dismissal, the weight of poverty begins to shape Dara's perspective. Haji tightens his grip on Ismail, eventually forming a trio of criminal overlords with Anna. Fast forward to 1977, and Dara emerges as a formidable rival, sparking a personal feud with the Pathan gang that escalates into a blood-soaked vendetta.
Dara's pursuit of vengeance leads to alliances with Dubai Sheikhs, giving birth to the notorious D-Company. As his empire expands, family tensions rise, and a revenge-fueled Pathan threatens to dismantle everything. A ruthless war unfolds, resulting in brutal showdowns, and Dara's ultimate sacrifice - leaving his family under the care of his sister, Habiba, as he ventures into an uncertain future in Dubai. "Bambai Meri Jaan" is an unrelenting journey through Mumbai's underbelly, where loyalty, betrayal, and revenge shape destinies, birthing the empire.