For some time, a number of users have been negatively comparing Scaredy Squirrel to some stupid limburger. I wonder, where's the logic in that? After seeing a few episodes I don't see any strong similarity.
I think the personalities of Scaredy and Dave is something I've seen in comedies called a double act. In other words, Scaredy is the straight man while Dave is the funny man. For more info about double act, there's an article on it in Wikipedia.
Scaredy is a squirrel who's easily frightened as his name implies. However, he's an expert in organizing and stacking things at a grocery. The limburger is just a quirky blockhead who overcooks pancakes at a bistro.
Dave seems a little dull but nowhere near as dumb as that red spur who is the limburger's best friend.
As for Nestor, I don't think he's based on some moldy sea spider. Nestor is a cynical grocery operator who make things difficult for the employees, particularly Scaredy. The moldy sea spider is just a snobbish dude who wants to be away from the limburger and spur who enjoy toying with him.
I don't know what people have in mind but the way they do their negative comparing is lame