Prank is the story of two bullied geeks and their sometime friend, a chubby girl with the unlikely name of "Chunk", who decide to pull a prank on their two tormentors.
This is all filmed with a semi-broken camcorder that one of them is always using to film the action. A few pranks are planned but nothing really pans out.
Here is where my criticism of the movie begins. Most of the dialogue seems forced. Chunk's dialogue in particular is so stupid that it takes you out of the movie. Every other sentence she utters concludes with the word "man."
All of the characters are portrayed as stereotypes, from the black man to the geek to the bully etc. This becomes grating after a while. Nothing interesting happens for long periods of time, and then one of the characters has a total personality change and at least some things start to happen.
What does happen, though, isn't really that interesting, as we don't really care for any of these unsympathetic people or their actions.
There are a couple of things that do happen in the last 15 minutes or so that save this from being a total waste. I would have voted a 1 had it not been for a couple of semi-interesting twists.