Unsuspecting TV viewers are treated to yet another trashy and unnecessary 'reality' show. This one revolves around overweight ex beauty queen Katie Boyd who for some unknown reason seems to qualify to be on TV simply because she opened up her own gym.
Why is she on TV? Why should we care? She is not particularly beautiful (or even slim) nor does she have a unique talent at what she does. She, along with her two BFF wanna-be co-stars have about as much charm, grace, class and likability as a cockroach. Their gym is a tiny hole in the wall somewhere inconsequential and their clientèle are third rate beauty queen wanna-bes, if that.
There is nothing grand or unique about Katie's gym, and there is nothing gripping or charismatic about any of these women that would make this show even remotely interesting. In fact if anything, they are extremely annoying and irritating with their caked-on make up, exaggerated mannerisms, potty mouth and trash-talk, and very very low IQs.
'Casting couch' is the only thing that can explain how this show got on the air.