This is literally the most imaginative and amazing show I have seen in the last 20 years. I imagine the people that made this grew up like I did watching shows like Alien Planet over and over and wishing they had made more episodes. I was always intrigued by what life could be like on other planets. This is one of the things that makes me like science fiction so much. The mystery of what could be. This show build a world that is many layers deep with plants and animals interacting in ways totally unique. I started it not expecting much as nothing worth watching is made these days. Well I guess I was wrong. This to me is THE BEST show to come out in regards to science fiction in a long time. It is what good alien sci fi should be. It is beautiful and scary and interconnected and just superb in so many aspects I wish more would add focus to. I imagine a show with the biggest budgets made this way but they would just ruin it. I hope they make 20 seasons of this and visit as many or more worlds. Helps you appreciate the wonder in the world. I feel like I don't even have the words this morning as it is early but if it says anything I haven't written a review in probably a year or more. Those are usually because something was so bad never because it was amazing.... this was amazing I wish I could give it 20 stars an oscar and every other award so many shows that don't deserve nothing get.