Alex Jones is hilarious. He takes insult comedy to a new level. He called Michelle Obama a man. He called Hillary Clinton a demon wearing a flesh mask. Along with that, his performances on screen are hilarious. He flails his arms, makes growling sounds, and screams at the top of his lungs. Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, Trevor Noah, & Jimmy Kimmel should take note on how to be funny instead of doing smug lectures disguised as comedy. Infowars skits involving him are funny as well. He did a parody of Stephen Colbert's lame Tuck Buckford. He dressed up as a gay frog & Illuminati lizard man.
For the last several years, it has turned that AJ's elaborate fear porn is becoming reality. He was right about a pandemic ten years prior, Jeffrey Epstein, atrazine destroying a frog's reproduction, spying on Donald Trump, COVID-19's origins, NSA spying, & the government persecuting political opponents using the Patriot Act. Back in 2001, he saw 9/11 coming as well. I wish that Alex Jones was wrong about everything, because his show is so dark. But, reality isn't good.
To note, viewer discretion is advised for Alex Jones. It's not appropriate for persons under 18.