As someone who was previously very tied into and intrigued by the almost bond villan-like history of John McAfee, I was initially very excited to see a first-hand account of his endeavors at a personal level.
Overall, I felt that the actual storytelling and timeline of this documentary left a lot to desire and more questions than answers. A lot of the content focused more or less on the storytellig of the documentarians who followed him rather than making McAfee the focal point of of the story.
The overall structure and format of the documentary also seemed all over the place and seemed to follow a plot line and just pivot to something else. For instance, the ghostwriter who essentially knows his life story first-hand was given only a few minutes of screentime while being a great source for his background and history.
Candidly, I think this documentary would have been more effective as a 4 episode mini-series that spends more time developing and diving into the context of WHO John McAfee actually was on top of more context rather than constant sound bites and clips that don't really provide much context.