I went to the bother of signing up just to review this 'cos i think it deserved more than the 4.5* it has.
Firstly this is definitely a B-movie so u have to go in expecting that. I usually don't like B-movies like you get on SyFy but i do like zombies movies so i thought i'd give this a chance, and i'm glad i did.
The premise is pretty simple... a group of soldiers looking for a militia base in zombie infested Afghanistan. Sure its silly but it works fine.
At first i thought the acting sucked but it wasn't long before i changed my mind, i'm not saying it's going to win an Oscar but it was a lot better than the crap SyFy puts out, i got the impression the actors had fun and weren't just phoning it in, and i found myself giving a crap about the characters. t's a pity that being a zombie movie so many people had to die because i would definitely have watched a sequel with the same cast.
There are some bad point sure, there are some major plot holes but i was kind of expecting that. I think the thing that bugged me most was the cgi, not the blood and gore cgi that was pretty good, but the helicopters that don't disturb the grass when they land and the cg muzzle flares rather than guns firing blanks. As most reviewers have pointed out the zombie makeup was pretty decent.
I don't know why people complain about the chick with the sword, the soldiers knew they were going to be going up against zombies and given that i think a sword is a perfectly reasonable weapon.
If you like B-movies or zombie movies definitely check it out, it kept my attention for the whole movie.