Blaming the photographers is like blaming the water when someone drowns. The paparazzi are part of the most honorable profession on earth: hounding the rich and famous night and day. All of the morons criticizing the press and blaming them for her death are the same idiots who consume the gutter press. I never spent a penny on this trash because I didn't care a bit about the life of some half-wit royal, a class of people who should be eliminated. I can't believe countries still have monarchies. It's sickening. All men are created equal. Period.
I'll say this, had the royal hag run over my child as they tore down a Paris street at over 100 mph, I would have beaten everyone in that car to death with a tire iron. They were photographers, not terrorists chasing her car. The driver was drunk. So what? French drivers are used to driving half in the bag. Why didn't the people's princess tell him to slow down? Speed limits are for everyone, even some creepy rich couple who don't want to smile for the camera. They have no one to blame but themselves.
Just because a lot of stupid people believe that this was anything more than a traffic accident means nothing at all. The reason I rate this so low is that this "investigation" hardly presents any facts in the case, and it was a fairly simple case. A car was speeding down a city street at over 100 mph and ran into something very solid (they didn't even mention what the car struck in this horrible "investigation").
This woman was no medieval saint as she is so often portrayed. She was just the product of wealth and the horrible British class system who married into royalty. She became famous yet had nothing in the way of talent or accomplishment, and in the end, her fame brought about her end...because her car was going 120 mph down a city street. She's only lucky that she didn't kill and innocent people just trying to make it through their day.