So my friend said she watched the pilot and found it hilarious so I thought I'd give it a try and. . nothing. I snickered a few times but everything seemed so forced. Kate's behavior as if she is this awkward single mother isn't believable AT ALL. Her quirkiness if by far the most scripted thing I have ever seen. Ben is too old to be acting that way and I am so shallow to speak of his teeth but come on, all I could look at was his mouth, it's distracting. His acting is by far the worse of the show next to his friend, the African American guy (whose name I do not know), his character is so forced, so mechanical that I couldn't even laugh at his ridiculous attempt at trying to be funny. I like BJ, she is the only one who is "Acting", the rest of the cast is horrible. The editing is horrible. The script is horrible. I understand why ppl find this funny (and they probably find The Mindy Project funny too) and it's totally okay because not every sense of humor is the same but this show is definitely stupid. For this to be a Pilot episode (I'm sorry I am speaking of it because I just watched the pilot) it was non-informational at all. I felt like I came into a show mid-season and had no idea who anyone was. I think Lucy Punch is great and deserves to be on a show that can better serve her talents. If this show gets picked up for another season, it just goes to show the comedic level of those sitting behind the big chairs. BLAH