Probably my least favourite of genre is the romantic comedy probably down to the fact that there's two types of people I can't stand . One is people who think they're romantic when they're not and people who think they're funny when they're not , so devoting almost two hours of my life to unfunny unromantic tosh which will invariably have a happy ending seems like my idea of cinematic hell . This Canadian short film written and directed by Mark Sadowski does fall firmly in to the romantic comedy genre but it's a much superior entry probably down to the short running time and the feeling you're not actually watching a rom-com until everything is played out . Matt Watts puts a lot of good work in as Bird the eponymous anti-hero of the title and makes a good anti-hero in much the same way as Ben Stiller ( Himself very good at these roles ) would have brought to the part . Maybe not a classic short film S IS FOR BIRD is twelve minutes of efficient light hearted fun