Truly Aashiqui 2.The film is targeted at the youth.It will leave your eyes wet and your throats dry.Amazing chemistry and performance.Must watch.8/10
Mohit Suri tunes the first half slowly, allowing the romance to simmer in torment and triumph. Aarohi's character is endearing, but displays innate strength. Rahul stays pretty much 'bottled' (like 'Devdas' with a cause), with sudden outbursts of frustration and fury.Story is a 'fix' for die-hard lovers.
AASHIQUI 2 brings romance back on the Hindi screen -- intense, pure, selfless and heart wrenching. A stirring account with brilliant moments, bravura performances, strong emotional quotient and addictive music, this one's an absolute must watch for the romantics. On the whole, Aashiqui 2 is an entertaining film with hit music and the sacrificing nature of the heroine as it biggest trump cards. It will keep its distributors smiling.