I was really looking forward to watching this Anime and I am so happy I was not disappointed... I would even go so far as to say blown away by how good it was.
The artwork was amazing; even if CGI was used, it somehow added to the wonderful style, rather than take anything away; which we all know is not easy to do!
Charactures were well created, powerful, or loveable and cheery, or of course, loathsome depending on how you should feel about them.
Voices and music were fantastic... did not skip a single line of credits.
Story was a bit short, meaning I want MORE! But what was there was well paced and exciting. I could totally see myself easily delving into several more seasons and see some of the charactures grow a little more than they did.
Basically a wonderful stand alone with minor similarities to another mind blowing Korean series, Kingdom; but with its own soul and personality.
I definitely recommend this series, with a total score of 8.8.