Totally unpopular opinion but as an avid PF original subscriber I've watched every movie and show- and I find (with the exception of the earliest movies) anything directed by Tosca herself is just tough to watch. A couple take exception here but in general they feel slow moving, forced acting and I just don't fully enjoy them.
As I watched Wait With Me I was shocked how much I was loving the movie, then I looked it up and realized Musk didn't direct this, ding ding ding.
I truly don't say this to be mean, it's just a preferred style of directing - with the exception of Resisting Roots, which is also not directed by Musk herself (but woof that was a rough one to get through and I've worried more would go this direction- tho admittedly I think casting had more to do with the issues for that movie)- and Tosca doesn't hit the mark for me. This one just WORKED. The style, the cast, the flow- it was pure enjoyment from the get. Also a fabulous book- so that helps!
I haven't reviewed a lot of these movies because honestly I have a love hate relationship with a few as of late... (pls bring back the early days of Hollywood Dirt, Afterburn and Matchmaker's Playbook!!) but this one was worth a rave! Thanks for this PF. Now, can we get the rest of the books? There's a thousand Gabriel.. I'm just asking for 2 or 3 of Amy's now!!