Not like I'm an expert on executions or anything, but aren't they supposed to shave most of your hair off, apply some sort of dielectric grease at the contact points and then stick this thing in your mouth for when you bite down? Could have sworn they do it something like that, but maybe they had budget cuts (at the prison that is, as this movie is cheap as hell). And who would have thought that some chick who doesn't look a day over 30 could come up with some sort of death-defying formula in some tiny lab in a prison with no assistants? She should have been working for Theranos. Anyways, if you can get past that you have the plot about the prison warden using the development of this rejuvenating formula (using prisoners as guinea pigs) as a means to supplement his income and I guess he needed it, seeing as the movie shows entire blocks of empty cells when the main characters are trying to escape. And who said there was overcrowding in prisons? The movie isn't entirely awful, just mostly, with a predictable plot, lackluster action, and lousy acting all around. I've seen worse, but this thing is pretty much a sleep aid more than anything else.