I really liked this show. It's the only not scary werewolf styled show I've found and is by no means boring (Also there is no real violence). Season one and two are the best, my 100 star favorites. Season 3 is okay, it's like a wrap up for the first two. Then seasons 4 and 5 are a new storyline with some of the same characters. I liked them even though they were a different type of story from the first ones. So now that you know that, what are they about?
Season 1 and 2 follow Maddy, a high school student trying to live a normal life in a small country town while hiding the fact she and her family are wolfbloods. (Not the same as a werewolf. They can change between wolf and human form, but there is no eating people or anything at all like werewolves.) The story kicks off when a new student Rhydian, an orphan wolfblood with human foster parents moves there. From then on it follows Maddy, Rhydian and her two human friends (Tom and Shannon) who don't know about wolfbloods (yet) and all their struggles, troubles and adventures.
Season 3 is a wrap up 1 and 2 and a transition to the next two seasons. It's not as good as the rest, but still interesting enough (and you need it to understand the next two).
Season 4 and 5 are quite a bit different. The story switches (though it has been slowly through season 3) to following Jana, a character who came in, in the second season. Maddy and Rhydian are not in season 4 or 5,for reasons I won't say because it would spoil the story. In spite of that I still liked it, even though Maddy was my favorite character. There are several new characters introduced in season 4. Matei and his younger sister Emilia, both wolfbloods who's parents were killed in a fire. TJ a friend of Jana's and Selina a fellow student just to name a few.
I think the makers did this to keep the story to their audiences age, because all the previous characters had just graduated. 4 and 5 take on a larger scale (higher stakes) and is set mostly in the city.
Besides being a good story, I love how there are so many relatable things in the show. Even though about half the main characters are wolfbloods, their struggles are the same, only amplified because they are half wolf. Overall it's a show I'd recommend to most anyone. Its none scary nature means it okay for tweens and teens alike.
Two good things to know are, one there is a series called "wolfblood secrets" that goes between season 4 and 5. Also there is a 'secret episode' that fits between season 1 and 2. However the 'secret episode' is better watched after season two because otherwise it ruins some of the mystery in that season.