I grade message movies by their message and how they deliver it. Some message movies are huge blockbusters - like Don't Look Up. Other message movies are just really good message movies - like. Leave the World Behind (both are Netflix movies) which is a really good realistic end of America as we know it kind of movie. As far as message movies go, this one I'm reviewing is good. It isn't a blockbuster. It isn't a really good one. It's good. It is a message, meant to feel Detached From Reality, it is presented as if detached from the audience, and we remain detached from the movie and from the story. It isn't about the story. It isn't about A Movie. It is about the message,m and they don't waste time - nearly everything in every scene is a message. Look, listen, watch. It's not meant to be an exciting story. THAT Is how they got some of the bigger names on the project. It's about the MESSAGE. Stop ignoring everything and stop thnking it's only worth paying attention to if it wins awards.