what can you say about Baio that hasn't been said he's a good actor he looks good in the part and can make fun of himself as for the show OK, its good for the whole family so you don't have to worry about your little one watching, and the plot is fine "See Dad Run" reminds me of just a good old fashion sit com it gives you a good laugh and make you feel good as well with out exploiting your feeling Is it good? its good fun loving show that does not put it in you face its not new idea but one that can make you laugh It is, I would say, good enough
David Hobbs has spent the last decade playing a beloved father on one of TV's biggest sitcoms. When his series ends, he transitions into a stay-at-home dad watching over his children, Emily, Janie, and Joe. Meanwhile, his wife, Amy, returns to her television career. Now, David must accustom to tending to his kids' every need. His children worry since he is never around, and barely knows anything about being a parent. David soon realizes how challenging it is to be an actual father