Go watch What Lies Beneath. Then, stop. Unless you want to roll your eyes a lot. If you really want to be annoyed, watch this movie.. which takes bits and pieces of that movie and spins it into an incredibly stupid waste of time. I'm honestly not sure how the people who made this weren't sued by the creators of What Lies Beneath. Except the creators of that movie probably didn't want any parallels drawn because this one is so bad. So bad. Even copies the names at times. The main characters in WLB were Claire and her husband Norman, a professor at the local college. This main character in this isn't named Claire, but her husband is Norman a professor at the local college. Both suspected of an affair with a coed who's missing. And the lake that's a pivotal part of the plot is "Claire lake". Ha. There are neighbors in both movies that the main character suspects the husband of killing the wife. And there's a dog in both movies who frolics in a lake and stumbles upon a piece of jewelry. It's all so badly copied it's laughable. Even the best friend... A cheap ripoff of Diana Scarwid's character in WLB. There is even an almost exact conversation about a cool new car post-divorce to pick up guys in. Save yourself the hour and a half of watching this... Just watch What Lies Beneath with Michelle Pfeiffer and Harrison Ford. This movie is a joke.