... of all the written-viewer-reviews to date... two are highly complimentary, all remaining run from so-so to exceptionally-poor... actually Belgravia: Next Chapter falling somewhere in-upper-between... a decent watch, yet not so good as past Julian Fellowes creations
... Belgravia had several memorable characters, in the Next Chapter it requires straining to come up with more than the show's lead... with only a couple more episodes remaining there's little time for recovery-saving of this season... being very well made, and overall acting not as terrible as some would suggest... it's just not what was expected after the original series... all those familiar, well-known-individuals setting a high benchmark for this latest cast to match-compete... they coulda-shoulda carried a couple-three of 'em into this current series, at least for a time
... will there be another 'season' in-of Belgravia ... would like to say hope-so, having reservations-doubts ... but would still try watching it once again, as many others enamored of entertaining-period-drama... and Belgravia still remaining better than host of others in this category
03.11.24 ... next to last episode far best of this season's-series.. ending episode gave more the feeling of your typical Hallmark romantic-drama ... with every storyline thread neatly being tidied-up (even her sister centering on a new prospect).. it feels as if we just might have seen the last of the Belgravia-saga.