Last Straw: Noirish film which segues into horror. We know from the opening scenes that there has been a massacre at a diner, then we go back 24 hours to find out how it came about. Nancy (Jessica Belkin) is having a bad day, she finds out that she's pregnant, her car breaks down on the way to work. When she gets to the diner owned by her father he tells her that she is also going to have to work the night shift (seeing as she is manager) as someone has called in sick. The day gets worse, mask wearing teens on mopeds harass her, bring roadkill into the doner, threaten that they will be back. She argues with the cook, sacks him. Now she will be alone on the night shift. As the night arrives the mask wearers return and freak her out, she calls the cops but the one that arrives is startled when she mentions mopeds. Then the real terror starts. Nothing is ever quite what it seems here as we observe the same scenes replayed from different points of view and more information is elicited. There are quite a few gruesome killings but Nancy isn't just a victim. Meat tenderisers, carving knives and pans of hot oil are quite effective as weapons. The results can be disturbing though and this is not a film for the squeamish. Hampered a bit by it;d low budget it nevertheless makes good use if the diner as a battleground and hunting area. A few interesting plot twists make this a Final Girl film worth watching. Directed by Alan Scott Neal, Written by Taylor Sardoni. 7/10.