Probably the one of the best out there, Studio C was created by College students FOR college students at BYU University in Utah. It ended up on air, and boy am I glad it did. With sketches like "Shoulder Angel," "Awkward Avoidance Viking," and "Juuust Jeerreeemyyyy~," and characters like Mr. Ekilstone, that Bisque guy, and Captain Literally, this show is perfect. Now you're probably saying to yourself "Where's the cursing and Sex gffhgdfgh!?!?!?ONE/ONE1/1/1/!?!?!?" Well, this was for LDS and Christian audiences. So, no cursing, no sex, completely clean! Good for me, as although FNL is freaking hilarious, this is just as, if not FUNNIER than FNL AND a heck of a lot cleaner.