Back in 2010, Eddie lebron directed a cult Mega man fan film that stayed true to the game in every way. I even bought the DVD. Now, this time Eddie released a follow up entitled "Sonic."
The Good: Great cgi work Great action sequences Good casting for dr. robotnick Great sonic model Decent acting Jaleel white is back as the voice of Sonic, Genius! No one can be sonic but Jaleel white! And he still sounds the same! And it stays true to the game, that's all that matters.
The Bad: Too short, but that was only because they were on a budget, so they wanted to spend a little more time on the cgi and action sequences, and a little less time on the duration so that they had more money for the cgi.
Overall, an absolutely flawless adaptation! If you were born with a sega genesis, like me, and you are a longtime sonic fan, then you will love this movie!
FUN FACT: Yuri Naka (creator of sonic) praised this film, he tweeted "awesome." If the creator of the game likes, then you know it's good!