I happened to catch Matterhorn by accident today on the Netherlands Film Festival, and boy, what an accident it was. It would be a good film, if this was supposed to be an exercise in nothingness. This film completely left me cold. Our main protagonist is a somewhat fundamentalist Christian believer, and I don't know if the intention was to try and make him 'deep' with an expressionless face and hardly any words spoken throughout the film, but I sure was convinced nothing actually happens in the man's brain, and whatever he decides to do, seemed to be completely random fluke occurrences all-the-time. He gives shelter to what appears to be a homeless, mentally handicapped guy. We see our protagonist do other completely random fluke actions now, the reaction from the tightly knit together Christian fundamentalist church on this, and... that's about it. There's no humor, there's no tragedy, the characters are about as bland as haystacks, it isn't even realistic, but to call it absurdistic is also giving it way too much credit. This film truly is, absolutely nothing. Stay away from this one, the most unoriginal people who ever existed appear to have been working together to make their masterpiece, and have succeeded.