Scotoe is a new action comedy directed by Jamel Aattache, the director of Tatta's films. Actors Mohammed Chaara and Sinan Eroglu also step in as directors in addition to both playing the leading roles in this film.
Street wise detectives Sino (Sinan Eroglu) and Mo (Mohamed Chaara) grew up together in the same neighborhood in Amsterdam, so they got to know the dark, criminal world.
They both learn about a major cocaine smuggling operation, but their own Turkish and Moroccan working methods take them off the case. So they now have to continue with the case without their boss finding out to save their careers.
In addition to playing the leading roles themselves and assisting as directors, Mohammed Chaara and Sinan Eroglu also largely wrote the story of this film. They know how to insert their own comedy moments into the film. For both of them this was their first writing and directing work. They were somewhat guided by the third director and writer, but otherwise tried to keep the film more in their own style. Because of all this collaboration in and behind the film, the two characters have good chemistry together.
Due to the more novice and somewhat inexperienced sides of the two, the film is quickly reminiscent of other buddy cop films such as Bad Boys or Rush Hour, only in a different guise. The comedy can thus remain on a familiar, cheesy side, but with its own touch of humor.