Wow if you want people to watch something, then the host has to be at least likeable. This has always and continues to be my problem with Psaki as any public facing personality. She is snotty, smug, rude, and apparently (surprise) is still a plant for her party. If you make it through one episode and feel like you learned something from the show, then good for you. I made it through bits and pieces that come up on tv and was kinda baffled anyone would want this bile spewing shrew and then you watch the show and can blatantly see the bias and agenda with the spin like all of the others. Did I mention she is unlikeable? Her on spectrum folksy character can't make its way thru her true personality which further drains any charm the show would have had lol. Thinly veiled fronts are thinly veiled fronts and the media is disgusting as always. Lots of opinion shows that are not news trying to masquerade as news....