What were you guys thinking when you made this?
1. Character balancing. The character balancing is just terrible cause kameos like sareena can hit 50% damage combos without even trying whilst others take more effort and only get 35% max?. Also this issue is also with the playable characters cause nitara, havik, reiko, are all annoying and broken characters when you know they're combos which can hit 60% DAMAGE COMBOS!, Whilst others can't even get past 45 even if they tried?
2. The dlcs. The dlcs and the game in general is incredibly overpriced cause in the kombat pack you get 6 new playable characters like cyrax, noob saibot, and sektor, seems cool but when you look at the design you will think otherwise cause there's no reason for them to change cyrax and sektor from robots to humans with armor suits, and also noob saibots design isn't as bad as cyrax and sektors but it still is quite bad cause they gave him a bad looking hat but a decent suit. And then in the kombat pack you also get a rushed part 2 to the story mode and that's it. How much does this rubish kombat pack cost you may ask, 30 BUCKS! AND THE BASE GAME COST 70 BUCKS? ARE YOU SERIOUS ED BOON FOR THIS YOU SHOULD GET SUED FOR THE PEOPLE WHO BOUGHT IT EXPECTING GOOD THINGS FROM IT.
Overall don't ever waste your money on this terrible mortal kombat game.