The movie starts out with bad acting and an unlikely conversation. It came off as awful for one of those reasons or both. There was a point soon after where I was seriously considering turning the movie off and it came down to one encounter. Fortunately the father was not the stereotypical harsh Amish father or elder. He actually welcomed his daughter turned English. That doesn't mean he's a pussycat. The way he growls is more like a tiger or a bear. I really like the fact that these Amish are not judgmental about every little thing.
It is a very typical point premise that one of the romantic leads is about to lose her job if she doesn't solve a problem. This movie goes one further and we find out her sister's bakery is in trouble also.
The acting varies from bad to stiff, When Mischa Hutchings as Darla is maybe one of the worst. The dialogue surprised me since most of it is not bad and uses a lot of lighthearted sarcastic humor. However, later in the movie it gets clumsy along with the story.
Other than the financial issues and Sarah's underhanded plan, the movie is lighthearted through the middle with great relationships between family members as well as Zoe. But when the conflict happens, what happens afterwards is clumsy. Some of it makes no sense, like Sarah's and Dean's choices.
There is a good speech by Sarah's dad at the end. Perhaps a bit preachy, but the message was good.