This was a let down. It's too populated with disjoint storylines which makes it very hard for me to follow the plot or root for any character. It had potential. The plot is interesting. But we just don't get any answers. We just keep getting more questions and more plotlines that aren't in any way connected to the previous one. And I was actually looking forward to this given that it was made by the author of Durarara and Baccano.
But it's possible that if these main characters were interesting, I wouldn't have paid that much attention to the plot. Unfortunately they weren't. They were just shallow, with 1 or 2 traits carrying their personality. A few side characters were a bit more interesting. But because of so many plotlines running together, none of them gets sufficient screentime.
Studio Geek Toys did a good job with the sound design and the action sequences. But other than that nothing really stood out and I thought they could've done just a bit better.
Overall, I'm dropping the series now. Although I wonder if it'll get another season or not. Maybe the manga has more to offer.