"Swakaryam Sambhavabahulam," directed by Naseer and starring Joe Baby, is a major letdown. The story is weak and predictable, offering nothing new, while the script and direction are equally poor. The pacing is uneven, with scenes that drag on without adding value to the plot. Some characters feel unnecessary, and the overall character portrayal and plot development lack depth, making the story feel flat. The climax is disappointing, as it seems like the director was confused about how to conclude the movie, resulting in an abrupt and unsatisfying ending.
Overall, the movie fails to deliver on almost every front. The director should have spent more time refining the script before filming. The execution is sloppy, and watching this film felt like a waste of time. I was misled by the high IMDb rating of 9.8, but in reality, I can't give it more than 1 star.