Chang'an is a Chinese animated film that gloriously celebrates the Tang Dynasty, the golden age of Chinese arts and culture, paying tribute to Tang Dynasty poetry.
The story chronicles the lifelong friendship between Li Bai, China's most famed poet, and Gao Shi, a general and politician, during the Tang Dynasty from its cultural peak until its eventual collapse from the An Lushan Rebellion.
With a wonderfully written script, Chang'an reaches its ambitions, viscerally showing daily life in the Tang dynasty, its flourishing culture, and communal appreciation for poetry-reciting up to 48 Tang poems throughout the film.
Poetry was an art form shared socially. On a night out drinking, poets would compose a poem on the spot to capture a moment of joy, similar to taking an Instagram selfie now, and the latest composition will be passed on verbally appreciatively from town to town in chin-stroking joy.
It was momentous when the film recited Li Bai's "Quiet Night Thought", the definitive poem that every Chinese person recites in school. It was wonderful learning the context behind how it was composed. Every Chinese teacher will be playing Chang'an clips for years to come.
The animation is used meticulously to recreate the capital city of Chang'an and allows an aesthetic freedom to switch between various tones and subgenres, easily switching from historical slice of life drama, wuxia, war film and into the imaginary.
At 169 minutes, Chang'an earns its long runtime with its rich story. I was transported back in time and seduced by the Tang way of life. Seeing a society so enveloped in art and expression was infectious and inspiring. The Li Bai and Gao Shi's friendship is also well developed and quite moving. Towards the end, when the Tang era was over, I felt a sorrow for a great time long gone.
Chang'an is one of the best films of 2023. I highly recommend it to everyone.