What happens when you put low-budget, unfamiliar actors, and horror movie together? Usually something really bad. However, that was not the case with this movie. It was incredibly entertaining. Unlike many horror films that are made on the cheap, this was very well acted and directed.
The monster was actually shown. Unlike as often is the case in low-budget horror films where the monster looks like someone who's simply wearing a Halloween mask, the creature in this was very well crafted. It kind of resembled the monsters from The Descent, except this monster could see, and it had raptor-like teeth.
The scenery, primarily a jungle, is always a fun atmosphere, because the forest is like the ocean; both entirely different worlds unto themselves.
For anyone who likes movies like the aforementioned Descent, I highly recommend this movie. It's not as good as Descent, but come on that was a highly original movie. However, if you liked that, you should like this.
I gave this a 7-star rating. It's about time I found a horror film that was good. I've seen so many that stink out loud. Again, I recommend this to all those who are horror movie junkies.