Easter Casket is a remarkable little film, made for only $3000 dollars it looks incredible and the creators should be extremely proud of what they have accomplished. But the film itself, well that's another story.
Easter Casket (Bear with me on this) tells the story of the Easter Bunny who has been summoned and on the warpath after learning that the Catholic Church is removing all the rabbit & egg symbolism away from Easter. Hellbent on getting revenge and becoming a god the tiny wise cracking rabbit leaves a bloody mess in his wake.
With inventive kills and some genuinely funny jokes nobody can say that Easter Casket is devoid of quality. It has it's moments and as mentioned manages to look incredible considering it's budget.
Though advertised as a straight horror I can assure you it isn't, it's a horror as much as Jack Frost (1997) which is another movie with a silly punning villian.
Here is the problem though, too much is simply not funny, too much is cringe inducing and had me feeling rather embarassed to be watching it and finally too much of it is crude for the sake of crudeness. I'm no prude and rarely complain about nudity, but this was gratuitous.
With some better writing Easter Casket might have been something watchable, but in it's current form it's bit of an embarassment that isn't worth watching for the few funny moments.
The Good:
Looks incredible for the budget
Some real laughs are to be had
Awesome soundtrack
The Bad:
Some cringe inducing moments
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
Nuns have gnarly bush
Catholics are perky and succulent
Fuzzy Doombringer would make an awesome band name
Priest collars are now part of their mandatory uniform.......a t-shirt
It takes the military seconds to deploy gunships and tanks to a scene
Summoning the Easter Bunny is easy, all you need is a nun, a knife and some catchy music for her to dance nude to.......for some reason