It's Sarah and Ed's first night in their new home in the Scottish countryside. Coming from the City they had a lot of money to invest in a property that the people from the surrounding area could not afford themselves.
It's a beautiful setting and the movie portrays an air of the supernatural but that's a red herring. It's actually a home invasion type movie.
The two main characters are absolutely awful from the start. Sarah is the most irritating character I think I have ever come across! The relationship between Sarah and Ed doesn't feel believable at all, there's no chemistry, no closeness that you would expect to see in a couple moving into a new home. Sarah is a nagging, selfish and irritating woman, if I was Ed I would have let her move to Scotland by herself.
As they go to bed on their first night Sarah is unnerved and hears noises. She pesters poor Ed to death and ends up outside where they find a random pig. After going back in the house Sarah hears yet more noises and again nags Ed to death to go investigate. The poor man does and doesn't come back. So then she goes looking for him.
What follows is one of the most intense cat and mouse games ever. It's such as shame that the two main characters are so badly written because the baddies and the stalking going on is/are brilliant. I couldn't bear to watch half the time.
I liked the ending, you couldn't have predicted it.