Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas: Cabin Fever, is an animated Christmas special based on book six from the famous Wimpy kid franchise, with now over eigthteen books. I was expectimg this movie for over a year now, and I had high expectations. The trailer looked a little weird but it is always worth to give it a try. And this was my first thought: A very fun christmas special for the whole family. Because it is exactly it. It had a runtime on only an hour, great for kids, and it was fun and entertaining. I was entertained myself, I growed up with this books, have read them all, and watching this and looking on all of the details is really fun. Many easter eggs included, some family photos and video game posters that have been mentioned many times in the books. The adaptation of book six: Cabin fever, was very fun. I felt I didn't like the two previous animated movies mostly because they felt like remakes of the live-action series, but in here, something totally new. The animation was also greater in here, good, bright colors, and the character expressions looked much better and more similar to the books. The voice-actors were great, Greg, his mother and Manny was the best. I didn't like Rowley's voice because it didn't fit so much. What I felt was a problem in this film to was that the story was rushed and it was overall very short. But they used their time greatly anyway. The action sequences were drawn great from different angles, and the music was great. They used sometimes themes from other famous films like Psycho and they used also the sound of Matrix. That was really fun and enjoyable. In the end, Cabin Fever was enjoyable. Fun and emtertaining, great family fun, but felt a little rushed and Rowley's voice could be better. The rest, was great! Good film, and a fine adaptation to book six of Wimpy kid.