This drama blends the gameplay and brutality of the Korean show Squid Game, the Japanese series Kaiji, and the Spanish movie Platform. While Some Korean dramas have become somewhat predictable, often ending in forced emotional climaxes that evoke tears, I still found this show quite entertaining. It offers numerous lessons, delving into human psychology and nature, as well as philosophical ideas like democracy, communism, socialism, dictatorship, and utilitarianism. The watchers monitoring through CCTV cameras in the drama could represent the elite globalists at the top of the capitalist pyramid, or they could symbolize us. After all, most of us likely enjoyed the show as mere spectators rather than feeling disturbed by it. Still, I always like and want to support this style of drama. That's why I believe it deserves at least an 8 out of 10. This drama had too many of his monologues and it was a bit annoying, so I deducted 1 star.
P. S. While watching Squid Game, I couldn't help but notice the irony that the creators and investors of "The 8 Show," including Netflix, are likely not members of the ordinary working class. Yet, they seem to be fans of George Orwell's Animal Farm. They seem to know us very well, understanding that instead of resisting upon learning the truth, we tend to accept reality and even strive to climb higher within the system's pyramid.