I really don't know what to think about this movie. I like it, but I still don't know what to think.
It is just weird, but weird in a good way, like a guy wears lederhosen the entire movie and they don't ever say why. Oh wait, he's crazy, and his girlfriend is even more bat #### crazy, and it is set in a world where a hundred million people have become homeless in the prior year, but they come from wealthy families it seems so the economic depression does not effect them apart from having to drive an hour to get groceries.
Then there's a scene where they are eating and the lederhosen guy goes nuts, it's funny but was it meant to be? I don't know.
It's about 40 to 50 minutes until you get to the aliens, up until that point, the film introduces a journal from one of the characters' parents that was in the CIA, and another one starts reading it, suggesting the story of biblical flood in the bible happened in north america around twelve thousand years ago, and it shows a page implying that noah's ark was a UFO. That journal comes to play later in the film as well, and involves an explanation for what might be happening at Skinwalker Ranch, but after all that, this still is not what the movie is about. This is, at the end of the day, a film about class warfare, about the rich treating the poor as disposable trash, and maybe even a metaphor about the breaking point of society, and karma, because the characters in this movie get exactly what they deserve.
This film has issues, which is why I started by saying I don't know what I think about this movie, but it's just so interesting and different at the same time that I'm willing to forgive it for those.