I related deeply to the character of Gideon. As an actress myself, this short was a very accurate representation of what it feels like when you know you've been present in your performance. It was a therapeutic experience for me, as it is for a lot of actors when they truly connect to what they're playing, and the movie does a great job in expressing exactly that. The imagery of the movie is just beautiful, shot on film entirely, it conveys that old, rich feeling of nostalgia. Iman did a beautiful job in portraying Gideon, as did all the filmmakers who put their heart and soul into making this film. You can just tell it's one of those movies that is made out of sheer passion. I love the symbol of the butterfly, as for me, it has always represented a sign of rebirth and I think it's used as a metaphor vert nicely here. Just loved it and I can't wait to see the feature film very soon!