The Lady Killers (2017) is an extremely dark comedy that is really quite unlike any other film I have ever seen. It was definitely made from whole cloth. The story involves a group of seven men who participate in a game where women are used with sexual abandon as things to exploit. Director/writer Phil Leirness also plays one of the seven men. Although all of the men are detestable due to their toxic behavior, writer Leirness gives each character their own unique shadings. These men are all the same, and yet, all different. These characters are not likable in the least and yet, they are fascinating. I can smugly say that I am not like any of these characters. Yet, I must confess that I have known people that were very much like these characters, so don't tell me that they are unbelievable. Unfortunately, they are VERY believable. Unlikeable characters however do not an unlikeable film make. I have seen this film twice and I'm looking forward to my next viewing. My wife was reluctant to view this film. The disturbing subject matter raked up long dormant memories. Although hesitant, she was persuaded to view the film. Much to her surprise, she liked it very much. This is NOT a feel-good movie...but it IS a good movie. If you're looking for a movie to have on in the background while you're playing with the dog or preparing your taxes, I suggest you look elsewhere. This film requires, nay DEMANDS your full attention. If you're willing to give it, you will be rewarded handsomely.