I respect what Turner Clay (which appears to be an alias) has been trying to achieve with these films. There's not much else out there like this nowadays - essentially a longform web series like Marble Hornets, with some cheeky social media tricks that have hilariously convinced a lot of folks that this is a real documentary.
All the more impressive is that it's essentially a one man show.
His acting is great, the cinematography and editing is great, he writes all the music for the series, the ghost hunting of the early series was unique and compelling, and the Zodiac killer-style narrative he's designed is ambitious, albeit not at all unique and less compelling.
That said, it's becoming more and more obvious that this project is "steady work." The universe he's built is starting to collapse in on itself. The releases keep coming, but the quality has been on a steady decline since we went from a humble truth seeking ghost hunter, to witnessing his deceased wife playing piano from the afterlife, to now singlehandedly solving an active serial killer case that the police and FBI "don't feel like investigating" with the help of said ghosts.
The series appears to be losing audience interest with each installment as well, judging by Amazon review numbers.
I think he's keenly aware of this, which is why he's pivoting to a new ghost story, but it would probably benefit him to drop the pretense, maybe even rename the project to something fitting of an anthology, and earnestly engage with the audience about the content he's making like every other filmmaker on the planet.