....You are smarter than IVAN the computer - and less temperamental too. I found this movie in the Faith & Inspirational section of Vudu. I guess the 'Ace Team' of Vudu concierge's figured if it had the word 'God' in the title, it belonged in that category. Actually it's more of a Sci-Fi movie. It's a plodding sort of suspense film made on a low budget. However, with all it has stacked against it, it's STILL quite good and particularly thought provoking regarding computer technology and a ponderous question posed to it - that most of us humans often wonder about. What is the question, and what is the answer? Patiently watch the movie to find out. I won't tell.
Also, to their credit, the main characters in the story did an admirable job even though their working material needed the love and attention of an experienced script writer.
If only this thought provoking show had a bigger budget and better script...
This is not that type of movie, like Forest Gump, that everyone pretty much enjoyed on some level. Not at all. But for those of us who have genuine concerns about where Man and Machine are going? It's good.
I could see this movie being shown in a lower level computer or philosophy class as an impetus for some deep discussions. 7 out of 10 stars, for its realistic depictions of bureaucratic computer labs and thought provoking scenarios.