Terrible Movie As an avid movie watcher and running a business in Horror and Sci-Fi I make sure to watch and keep up with all the latest from blockbuster to indie, so when I noticed this movie added to Amazon I thought "hey, why not", this was my first mistake. My second was actually watching the film twice in case I was being overly judgmental in my opinion. To quote Amazon's description "A micro-low budget, slow burn, character focused exploration of horror genre tropes.) This my friends is where we have a communication problem not because of those words but a 4.8 out of 10 on IMDb which is where Amazon copy their rating standard is just wrong Amazon should allow people to rate like Netflix because me thinks this movie would not be anywhere near a 4.8. OK so the many indie movie makers out there grabbing a camera and making their movie is extremely easy today but sometimes don't
.just don't. You want to stand out and be different and get your foot on a ladder or appreciated for the movie you spin out, great. But movies like this are not any different from the other 1,000's floating about. The acting is extremely poor and the script is so far off that I think most of the filming was ad-lib and they worked to a "guide". There are many and I mean many uncomfortable silences in the film where either an actor has forgotten their line (if there was one) or said actor isn't good at improv. The shooting was simple, camera work was not that bad for indie but unfortunately one of the biggest problems with indie movie making (and I speak from experience) is you put money into one area and neglect another and in this case it would be sound and talent. If making an indie movie and it involves running around with a JVC camera and you only mic is the crappy one that came in a box of cereal then don't expect good quality. Would I recommend this movie? NO. Well there are many, many movies that are great Indies and others that either try too hard or literally don't try at all and just want an IMDb credit that get released.