Call it a Le Carré light. MI5, spies and Cold War. Toby Whithouse, Sarah Dollard and Debbie O'Malley deliver 6 episodes of good fun and high entertainment full of suspense and surprise. Excellent mood and camera play, the viewer is convincingly cast back to a London of the 70's.
A tremendous performance from the entire cast especially Paul Ritter playing the hypocritical British public school creep! Worth watching if only for his performance and the exquisite interaction with his assistant the superb Chloé Pirrie (a touch naive, upright, loyal researcher).
The suspension of disbelief is perhaps called for to draw maximum enjoyment. The strength of the production rests chiefly on the convincing relationships fleshed out.
Why oh Why does the BBC have to nip above average productions in the bud. Xen is another example. It seems that the minute a viewer's brain is in any way engaged the Corporation pulls the plug out on it! Let's have some more please!