Baki Hanma and Ohma Tokita, the film's two main characters, both want to be the strongest man for their own reasons. They finally have a chance to confront one another in a tournament.
As I watched both shows-all of Baki's and Kengan Ashura's-I had great hopes and enjoyed them all. With scenes that incorporated characters from both programs and connected them to backstory, the film got off to a strong start. It was entertaining to watch the fights. However, the story was just passably good, and the cinematic adaptation was subpar. The fact that Baki and Ohma's match ended in a tie would have been advantageous because it prevented one show from being held concurrently, but it would have been handled differently.
The animation appears Although Kengan Ashura was created in 3D, I am happy they chose to use 2D animation. Although Kengan Ashura is an excellent program, the 3D animation is the one thing that bothers me about it. The English dub voice acting was good. It had good music.
To sum up, I am dissatisfied with this film because it was not up to the both shows as they were entertaining to me.