Just watch this movie today on 5/6/2015 in my country Malaysia and what I gonna say is its the best INSIDIOUS ever! From the beginning I can sense something different from this movie, like always, filmmaker trying their best to running away from cliché but what about cliché that's still gonna work forever? That's it! Leigh Whannel as a scriptwriter, director and actor knows this best! I can place him as one of the greatest modern storyteller since Jonathan Nolan! You know it will come when there is no sound at all, every time.... and I'm glad because I'm not the only one who shocked in the cinema, the whole audience shocked and I'm afraid if one of them might get heart attack from this movie! Hardcore critics like always criticizing down this movie like this is one of Hammer movie but audience will prove you that they get what they want, to feel afraid, to feel worried, suspense and every negative thinking and that's it! Like I always said in all my previous review, "if that movie's genre is horror and it do make us feel horrified, so it's works. Same for other genre too." Its fun, contain some laughable comedy, make us jump a lot. Just watch this. Don't think anything anymore. For now, this the best INSIDIOUS ever! Sorry for my bad English!