As I live in China, I am more than used to the sight of the zippy delivery drivers dressed in yellow either dodging in and out of traffic with their little scooters or hanging out in and around restaurants waiting for their next delivery. The film 'Upstream' is about one such story, a middle-aged man who has lost his job but still has a family and bills (lots of bills) and has to take on a job as a delivery rider for one of Chongqing's biggest food couriers.
The film portrays the difficult nature of the job and dealing with unreasonable customers, hostile traffic and trying to earn more and more money by becoming king of the delivery drivers where our hero 'Gao' needs to be top dog to pay off his mortgage installments.
I really enjoyed it, a good story, funny with characters you can warm to. I think this is one Chinese comedy that can be enjoyed by anyone anywhere. A ten out of ten.